The Days Are Getting Shorter..

Hello Comrades!

Ahh, it has been quite some time since I have written, as I had previously mentioned I felt the summer was a perfect time for a break on the blog front.  Although, I have been absent here it was not due to a lack of things to update on. I have been busy with design projects, which leads to not making time for projects of my own (e.g. website, blog, self-promotion things). I don't know what it is about school starting but it is always a good time to re-organize and regroup. So here I am, regrouping...

So what have I been up to? A little of this and a little of that, random ads, restaurant re-branding, and misc projects (mostly restaurant related). I also have added two American Graphic Design awards to my list of accomplishments! YAY! My first national design competition and 2 of my 3 entries won. I just have to decide if I want to pay the extra fees to have the winning entries published in the GD USA magazine. Oh, decisions, decisions. But, I am still a winner regardless! 

So the major projects that I have been working on are related to Thai Orchid.  I was fortunate enough to have the owners let me re-brand the restaurant since it has returned to it's original family owners. Re-branding is a tricky process since you want something that has a fresh look but doesn't alienate it's original roots. Re-branding is a big move for any business but sometimes necessary to stay fresh in a very competitive market.
Original Thai Orchid Logo
New Logo
New Lunch Menu Photos by Nate Cote
As far as other things happening at the Orchid I designed new signage which is in production now and new menus. The fun part of the menus since they would like flexibility with changing their menus I have designed a letterhead that they can print on that will still look professional when produced on there own. The letterhead will have un-inked emboss so I am pretty excited about that. It isn't much to talk about but when they are finished they will speak for themselves so, something to look forward to.

I think with creative people it is always a challenge to stay fresh, or at least efforts should be made to do so. My methods vary but as of late I have been attending webinars. They can be a crap shoot as too how informative and inspiring they are. Often free webinars have a hidden agenda as to why you need to buy some product or service. One of the most recent ones I watched was on Adobe Muse which is a web design program but with no code. It is still in beta, so it is free right now. I have downloaded it and plan to use it for my website redesign. Yes, it is happening, I swear. If you are interested in Muse here are the links to the Adobe webinar Mac or  PC versions. I did also really enjoy the insight of AIGA Frank Chimero Versus: A Documentation of Wrungniss & Misatkes DesignCast Mac or PC versions. There is always more to learn to keep yourself well rounded.

That is all for now, I will start posting more as I get back into the swing of things so that something to look forward too!

Xx Kiere

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