Summer Mode


Up North the weather has been extremely fair so if I am not working I am out enjoying it. I always try and appreciate the sun as much as possible when it does decide to show it's face. Green space makes my day : )

I have been working on photographing some of my projects that had never been properly photographed for my portfolio and eventually for my re-designed website. one brick at a time.. I also needed some images for competition entries. Design competitions are like lottery you can't win if you don't play and by play I mean pay.. entry fees are silly... But, visibility and resume builders are are important.. 

Since everyone likes pictures I here are a few of the projects I photographed... 
Finished Mousey Demo! Is the gold foil translating?
 These two have been seen before but they were just pictures from the gallery exhibit
Embossed ZDC Brochure with pop ups ; )

ZDC shotgun shell packaging.
Nothing really else to show, but I have been trucking along on some projects that have no real deadline. So what better time then the present? .. I also did freshen up the info on my blog, added some new features and it is now formatted for all the smart phone users! YAY! Expect additional changes in the future..oooo

Speak soon!

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