Busy Bee

I feel like February just dissipated rather quickly. I have been a busy bee as of late. So I have been slacking on my personal projects (blog, website, portfolio, working out. etc) I may just schedule a blog in every two weeks instead of trying to do one every week. Then my posts will be even more awesome and informative.. just wait and see. 

So what have I been up to? I saw Bill Thorburn speak at MSUM it was insightful but at the same time very raw raw raw design can change the world! His firm produces some amazing work for amazing clients: Porsche, AIGA, and Appleton Coated to name a few. His message was about how brand becomes experience and experience is what the design should convey to "ignite the mind of the consumer". He also talked about democracy of design (basically bringing design to the masses e.g. Target). As much as I want everything in my life to be designed (e.g. pretty/neat/user friendly) I feel like we are entering a time where everything is being "designed".. I asked Bill if he thought there was such a thing as over design...He basically said that he didn't think so because if the product is good the design will exemplify it. I think design is becoming the thing that often makes the consumer believe something that may not even be true about the product... I suppose that is just marketing.. If everything is designed will anyone care anymore or even notice for that matter?. . I hope not, but it is something I think about. 

I also attended the Addys I won silver for my mixed media campaign ZDC one of my old classmates Dominic Brouillard took the gold in the category and he also received best in show for his work too. He is a great designer and he deserved it! Justin Tvete another student I graduated with also took home some gold and silver Addys so it was good to see my peers kicking ass. After the fact I realized I should of probably entered more then one category but saving money was on my mind at the time of entering. The actual dinner and show was quite dull it was Alice in wonderland themed and loongg. It did make me realize that most of the design in Fargo all looks the same. Clean, modern, with a nice photograph. Probably due to the fact that Fargo is a little pond with a handful of fishes. I would say the student entries were more groundbreaking design wise then the professional entities. 

I have been working a whole lot as of late, and I am planning a vacay to the cities to visit friends, Walker, AI, shopping, and good food. I love the cities it is very visually stimulating, Fargo can be so drab.. So the Walker Art Center partnered with the AIGA is doing 25 years of Insights lecture series. I was planning on trying to attend one while I was in town so naturally I was looking at tickets on the Walker Website and found a glorious thing the Walker Channel. Basically anyone that gives a lecture is webcast on their website. They have a whole architecture/design section, I have to say what a lovely resource! They have lectures from AMAZING people so far my favorite is the Stefan Bucher lecture he is funny and talented just like Chip Kidd but not as arrogant : ) I can say this because I have met him, but if I was Chip Kidd, I would probably be arrogant too. 

So work related projects the Mousey logo is finally finished! YAY!

I have finally broke down and bought a Pantone color set because I am planning on using metallic and neon inks. I am going to finish up demo packaging this week so Mousey (a.k.a. Margaret) can take them on to SXSW and when she goes on tour with her other band Dub Step in the UK. Hopefully the next thing I post on this will be the finished project  : )

So in the opposite end of the design spectrum I also have been working on direct mail postcards for O'day Equipment. Super great client to work for. This is just the first set I have done but it is planned as becoming reoccurring project. I am looking forward to continuing work for this company.
The Little Bangkok menu is still being polished so hopefully I will be putting that to bed soon, and I have been working on loyalty cards for Drunken Noodle.. They have a custom stamp which is pretty neat : ) and other small misc, projects.
That is all for now I am planning on blog on my work set up. I have touched on things I use in previous blogs but never went over my workspace as a whole. Start looking forward to it!

Now, am going to go get back on my workout wagon, booo.. 


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