Just Fun Stuff


Sunday I posted an informative blog on the importance of how lists help with the utilizing your time.(if you didn't see/read it just put it in your pocket for later) I felt it wasn't up to par. The winter and lack of sun was starting to get to me. So, I am just going to try and have more fun in my 2ND BlOG of the week.. (even I am impressed, really.) It warmed up to balmy 35 degrees today and I took a walk. (lovely) The rest of the week has progressively gotten better so hopefully I will be pulling out of dull drums of ND winter(lets keep our fingers crossed, this winter has sucked everywhere)...

So I am going to chat about what I have been up to. Well, I won an Addy for my BFA project Zombie Defense Camp(ZDC)! Totally, awesome! 
Announcement letter telling me I was one of the few winners out of 530 entries...
I won't know if I have won a gold or silver Addy until the night of the Addy Awards. Pretty exciting but at the same time silly. Do people really need to pat each other on the back and say good job? Probably not, but I will enjoy it none the less, because I am a competitive person and like winning. Anything, really..

I have been applying to some agencies as of late. As much as I like freelancing it can put a lot of stress on my shoulders.(no health insurance, no co-workers, accounting, taxes, contracts, sporadic pay checks, clients, on top of the actual work I do.)  I know I would really benefit from some collaboration with like minded designers. Freelancing has it's pros and cons, as every job. Not leaving my apartment (because of the weather) tends to gives me a bit of cabin fever but my lack of a morning commute is lovely. Also much as I love Eleanore, she isn't the best to bounce ideas off of. That is unless the idea is related to fetching, treats, outside, or looking out the window... getting off subject. Oh yes, so I have been applying and I am considered under-qualified(2-3 years experience) for creative positions (even though I have 2 years of commercial experience under my belt WHILE attending school). On paper it has the graduation as December 2010 so possible employer still sees me fresh out of school with no real world experience. (too bad they will be kicking themselves in the future, mark my words!)  

No worries though, I am attracting new clients. I have a meeting with a new potential client on Monday for a direct mail project so that should be fun. I am finishing up the new and improved Little Bangkok menu which is looking nice, it will be finished by the end of the weekend so next week sometime I will post some pictures for all to see! The Mousey ep work is trucking along. I am going to start round two of logos after a style was decided on today :)

So I think that is all I have as to what I have been up too. Still trucking on my resolutions, minus my website redesign (unfortunately I have to get the bills paid before I do personal projects..booo) but, I have been thinking about how I want to set it up.  Baby steps are better then no steps right? Right.

Take a moment to enjoy something everyday!

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