
Hola comrades!

Alas another week is coming to a close did you accomplish everything you had set out to? I will admit I did not accomplish all of my goals for the week but I sure came close. Which brings me to the subject of this weeks blog, Lists. Having an ENTJ personality(notice I said having not being, (I am owning the shit out of that personality type)), I like things (well everything really) to be organized and what is a great organizational tool but, lists! Right?! 

So today my advice is start writing some stuff down. People, often don't see the benefit of sitting down with good o'l pen (pencil. marker, paint, whatever suits you) and paper and writing/sketching. (even as much as I love the tactile response of my mac keyboard) Studies say that writing things down increases memory and the probability that you will follow through with what you have written. That is why people are supposed to write a bucket list down vs. just thinking, yeah I will do that some day

So I have many lists and I have a  list tree if you will since I am visual (intense yes I know). But working from home does have its problems and writing lists really keeps life efficient.  I don't write lists per say but pick a topic and write related goals. I actual have a whole list of blog topics written down and if I get a good idea for one add it to my list put it in my pocket and save it for later.

So as I am drinking my morning coffee, waking up, I take a moment to write down the things that I need to try and accomplish for that day. Setting the bar high keeps your productivity high and productivity can lead to success not only in jobs but life. Don't make yourself crazy though, Rome wasn't built in a day people.  It is a great feeling crossing the last thing off your list and saying now I can do whatever I please : )

Write out a grocery list to help you stay on budget and only get what is on the list. I've done this for quite a while. It helps from splurging on lickys and chewys that break your new healthy eating habits.

Even if you aren't writing lists it is good for Mr. brain to turn distractions off and write. Just you, pen, paper, and light. (It is difficult to write in the dark) Do it you might like it : )


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