On Task!

Hello Friends! 

I hope the new year is treating everyone well, and everyone is keeping up with their resolutions. I am doing my best with mine. As you can see it only took me about a week and a half to get to another blog! Go me! I am going to try and blog at least once a week but right now baby steps while I am getting into a flow. 

This past week I have been busy I was in attendance at the AIGA's Evolve Design round table event in Minneapolis. It was inspiring, motivating with a dash of drama! I felt just a weeeeeeeeeeee bit insignificant in a room filled with 700 MN designers and 15 MN design greats. I have to say, I was disappointed when there was avoidance of an actual answers in reguards to serious questions about the future of design. "Do you think our world is becoming over-designed?"(one of the questions for panel) There was no real yes or no answer to the question but just talk of how people want their whole life designed and how design can change the world. Those are some pretty big shoes for design alone to fill. 

Regardless, there were still some thought provoking questions and answers about design. Some of the sound bites: Agnostic Design, Design without Borders, Hybrid Design, Colleges Unconfined. Monica Little (creative director of Target) had really insightful thoughts on design and where it is going: "The problems we're being asked to solve, may not mean having to make anything. Collaboration is the currency of the 21st century." She also stresses importance of authenticity. People can see right through image. There were other great debates about design school and what should be expected of students among the panel members and an irate audience member.

This week I took on a new project from a friend and now client who is working on her first demo. It is relevant to the collaboration statement made by Miss Little. Margaret (A.K.A. mousy) being a musician is artistically inclined, and has a vision of what she wants, and better yet she has taste! (As much as I would love to, one cannot make someone have good taste.) I am loving this project simply because I feel like when working with Margaret it is very much a collaborative effort on both our parts. It makes the work more rewarding and I know that Margaret will get the end product that she wants.

mice variations for Mousy Pattern
I do have to admit I am not as on task as I would like. I have yet to start the re-design of my website, and make a concrete working schedule. But I will get there! 

Go collaborate!

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