Finding the zone!

So often I have been finding myself in a designing funk while having a looming deadlines and other stress... What is one to do? 

It is different for everyone but I find that I need to unplug and get rid of distractions. When I say unplug I mean no phone, internet, tv, computer or significant other around. There are of course items that aren't sanctioned like sketchbook, cute doggie, hot coffee, appropriate eye wear, ect... So me and my doggie Eleanore went on a creative adventure! Where did we end up you ask well just down the street to Island Park and it was a lovely fall day... 
I did have my camera too so I took this creative time to snap some lovely memories, one day we are all going to be old why not take the time to take a photo with a real camera not our phone?! In this digital world it is becoming harder and harder to stop and concentrate on just one thing without distractions. Am I wrong? Is it really that hard not to look at your phone because you "thought" you herd something.. I am digressing back to my creative point!

So just enjoying some vitamin D on a cool fall day with my sketchbook, dog, and camera it did me some good to have no one able to demand my time. I came up with some good ideas for my BFA show which is fast approaching (just one of the looming deadlines). Zombie Defense Camp! It has been all consuming but I am proud to say it is, something that is all my own, and awesome! Clear ammo packaging for ZDC is what I was working on, as well as tag designs. Here is a few of things for the show, the ammo box doesn't have it's graphics yet, but you can see it in all it's awesome clear glory!.. or can you?.. please ignore the glue this is the mock up.

So my unplugging helped me to get into the creative zone and stay in it once I came back home. Take the time to unplug yourself and see what you accomplish! If anything else I attached some cute Eleanore photos!
Eleanore Begging awww
She is has to be descendant from royalty!
 p.S. message me your address if you would like an announcement to the show!

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