
My first year in the graphic design program I was already looking for possible job opportunities. I didn't know very much in regards to design or how things work. I often still feel overwhelms when it comes to clients and deadlines. Or should I say certain clients who call and want things done yesterday. This is where contracts are important. I have yet to offically make a contract but like I said I often learn the hard way. Being the student who was willing to do anything at any price just to get real world experience. 

Mistakes I have made in the freelance design department. 
Verbal Contracts, this is a bad thing and I knew this going in. But, I had no idea how to write a contract, and what exactly needed to be in a contract. My professors would just say write a contract but that is as far as the advice would go. There is no class on writing contracts, what we should be charging as artists, or what we should expect from our clients. 

Another mistake was charging too little per hour. Pricing never comes up in studio class and what as students we should be asking. Being a student has it's disadvantages, people often think they can get extremely cheap work, free work or free ideas (and they often do.)

Dealing with sign companies, and printers. In my dealings sign companies are the devil. I have yet to meet one that can give a quote in a timely matter, keep their own deadlines, and correctly execute designs (even with a photo mock up). If I was smart I would start a sign company that did all three of these things. That is neither here nor there. It is rare to find a print company that can do things speedily and professionally. 

Though I had many a headache after dealing with these problems due to tack of knowledge but (sigh) I won't make the same mistakes again. 

As far as contracts go all I have is a book called legal documents and forms for the graphic designer. I have yet to use it since the clients I have worked with keep adding to previous work. This is another lesson I have to learn, I need to be upfront when dealing with clients and not try to help them up at my expense. 

I'm kind of rambling but my whole point is, I'm sadly not done making mistakes when it comes to my career, hopeful they will be smaller mistakes. But I still have learned from everyone.. I guess that is the moral of this tale.. today

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