The Chair

I generally go to school to work simply because my apartment is a bit on the cramped side. Very soon the comforts of school cinema displays and ergonomic chairs will be gone. So room in my apartment is being made for my very own workspace. This all started when I was at Target and they had a desk on sale and so I "took the plunge". The desk is still in the box and I'm still writing this from my bed this is all due to the fact I spent the whole day researching task chairs. 

Let me tell you know I know a lot about ergonomic who's who of chairs I had no idea that a chair could cost so much. If money wasn't an object I would gladly spend $1,200 on a chair that made me feel like I was sitting on a cloud or not even sitting floating in zero gravity. mmm sounds nice doesn't it? But back to reality I'm a college student I do however know the importance of being comfortable and not messing up my back further. So after deciding that $150 is what I wanted to spend I naively went on my search thinking I can get a really awesome chair that not only will make me feel like I'm in a hot tub but also be cool looking... oh I was very wrong.  

So to start I always use Google and I googled ergonomic task chair reviews.... this is where it led me to office chair advice (take a gander) and I thought man these are some cool chairs but it was annoying that there were no prices so I figured I will click on the toped rated chair 

cool looking chair that cost more then what some people spend on a computer... so I thought well basic isn't so bad ...

who knew a plain jane office chair went for $550 (I didn't), from there the quest had begun! After hours on the internet reading customer reviews and even making a trip to Office Max and Office Depot (which had very little selection when it came to chairs that could be used for hours on end) I still had not found "The Chair" taking a break and then diving back onto the internet surly there had to be an affordable desk chair that met my needs. That is when I found this lovely..

A high rating, in my price range, not boring, fully adjustable, and $1 shipping. I may have made a big mistake but I guess I won't know until it shows up but I am glad I am on my way to being closer to having my own workspace complete! I will update more once the chair arrives.

If you would like more information on Ergonomic chairs check out a fellow blogger Ergoblog 

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