Summer Time Hustle

Greetings Friends. 

My blog has been falling to the back burner once again, but that is due to the lack of hours in a day and my need for a good nights rest. But luckily for all of my loyal readers (hi Dad!) I have a doozy of a post of all of the fun projects I have been working away on. Here we go!

The Creative Collective is over 200 members now! All of our events have been overwhelmingly well attended. Our next event which will be a fun/social event is going to be a Lazoom Tour. It is turning into a really positive thing that is genuinely helping the creative class here. I think changing the mindset from competition to collaboration is a big part of the emerging economy. I just don't think so, this article human to human agrees. I also too was part in a Business Advisory Council event as a panel member. The event's theme was focusing on the power of networking where I also touched on the Creative Collective. YAY! 

In my last post, I mentioned that I had been doing more web work. It is not my favorite thing to do, but people need and will pay for it. Guess what; I can do it! The following site was my first wordpress site build. I may or may not have been found crying at my desk in frustration, after breaking the site right before uploading to the server for the client. But live and learn people, I thankfully was able to get it working again thanks to my handy time machine. Thanks Apple, Harry helped to. More and more people are wanting Content Management Systems (CMS) for their websites which is basically an interface that allows publishing, editing, and modifying content from a central interface. I call it a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor for people who don't know coding languages. If you can use a computer, you can use a CMS platform to manage your website, and maybe Wordpress or Squarespace is the way to go. 

My fellow Creative Collective member Hank Eder, who does PR and Marketing, asked me if I would like to bid on doing a website for Veazey Insurance that he was bidding content writing for. I was weary just because learning curves can be a bitch, but sent off a quote and we got the job. So, I dove in and learned Wordpress, it took me longer then I thought but after tears and frustration, we ended up with a happy client. I now had the added skill set of Wordpress, boom! Check out Veazey Insurance Agency's site to see how it turned out. I have attached a couple screen shots for your viewing pleasure.

A fellow PNG friend Debbie Francis was a Realtor under Keller Williams and decided to make the move to independent. Once you go independent, all the pre-designed business cards and signs that you get being under a company like Keller Williams goes away. She asked me to help brand her new business, Asheville Area Realty. Being new to the area, I had to start with a lot of research as to the different realtors in town as well as houses on the market. Let me tell you, there are some amazing houses here. Hopefully in the next year or two I will be in one; renting is wearing on my soul. But back to the branding. When starting from scratch, first thing is first the logo. After the logo, everything starts to fall into place. We went through many renditions before settling on the following. I really wanted to represent why people want to buy a house here so the house is represented because that is what people are ultimately coming to her for and then the majestic mountains and the sunshine. Professional, sophisticated, and Asheville. 

Her business card was next and I feel especially with all the networking we both do she had a to have a business card that really had wow factor. What has more wow factor then gold foil. I love how they turned out.

After the business card we modeled the rack card and we needed a really great photo of the mountains. I went to another friend and Creative Collective Member David Simchock and he is a very talented photographer with tons of photos of the Asheville Area and I found a really great photo of the mountains that worked perfectly on the rack card. 


Finally, what does every Realtor need but yard signs. Keeping everything cohesive and branded, I did the yard signs that of course coincides from what we started with on the logo. These are the designs; hopefully when they are up I will get around to photographing them in their natural habitat. 

Not all my projects are as intensive as the previous some are just a simple ad or flyer. A good ad is proven to be more effective than one put together by someone without experience in layout and typography. If you are spending money on advertising spend the extra money on a designer to make an ad the speaks meaningfully to your customers. Here is one I did for Renaissance Moccasins.

I am currently finishing up her website which I should have up hopefully by the end of this week, fingers crossed! With a new logo planned for this fall. 

Also another quick project I did was for a new company, the Holistic VA Network. It is an online platform connecting holistic entrepreneurs with talented, caring, virtual assistants and freelancers. They are getting ready to launch this summer, and wanted flyers to give out at one of the biggest conventions for holistic entrepreneurs that the founder Shannon Lagasse was attending. I really enjoyed how they turned out. I hope to be helping them more in the future!

Lots of other exciting things on the horizon. I have been upping my game and trying to always learn something new. I have been watching a lot of Creative Live courses. One on Instagram and I have officially made Lucid Creative Studio accounts separate from my personal accounts. Feel free to follow me @lucidcreative on Instagram and Twitter! 

much love xx

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