New Year, fresh blog.

Greetings Friends!

Things have been trucking along, and I figured it is a new year and that means a new blog... although I had started this blog weeks before the new year. As I previously blogged, I am always working to shorten the time between blogs. I will continue to try and get the time between posts shorter and shorter, but I am happy with my progression. Don't ever turn your nose up at progress.

The Creative Collective has been progressing in such an inspiring and exciting way. I have been so lucky to have seasoned facilitators helping to make the collective a success. So many groups start and pitter out, but we are taking the steps to avoid that outcome. As much as I wanted to implement dynamic governance into the group, I felt (and it was recommended) that it was a little too structured for the CCA. We are still using facilitation methods that work similar to dynamic governance, but without the structure and tedious implementation. We have had a couple core group meetings to iron out a cohesive vision, how we will aim to get to that vision, and the details of how the group will function. It has been great and we are getting very close to having our first "open house" meeting open for all creatives. There is a logo in the works as well as a meet-up group on If you are interested in helping the collective thrive, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Let me just start out by saying infographics are extra hot right now. They are a great way to show information in an engaging creative way. Getting people to read data and information can be a challenge. When the fabulous Sarah Benoit approached me to do one for her I was instantly excited! Sarah Benoit is owner of Creative Original and Director of training at JB media group. The infographic needed to be a blending of those two brands into one informative promotion piece that was ultimately a fun representation of who Sarah is and what she is an expert in. The infographic is primarily going to be used for e-mail marketing, but also will make a cool printed piece as well.
promotional infographic

I enjoyed doing Sarah's infogrphic so much that it was a kick in the butt to actually get started on an infographic for recyclables that I had in the back of my mind since moving here. Being an ultra hip, green town, recycling happens here. When I moved here, I was very excited that there was curbside recycling!!! Needless to say it makes me feel good knowing that I'm not adding to the Pacific garbage patch. However, like most recycling programs, there are many things that aren't accepted for curbside recycling like plastic bags, compact florescent bulbs, and styrofoam, to name a few. So I am in the planning stages to make a full infographic on what is accepted in the curbside pickup, where you can recycle what is not accepted curbside pickup. No one wants Mercury in the water table from wrongly disposed of compact florescent bulbs. More on that in the future.

Another talented lady I know, Cynthia Lindeman, has been updating her blog and working on moving it from wordpress to her own domain. She had asked me to help with design of the site; I was unsure if I wanted to start down the road of webdesign, but I agreed. I can do websites, but often don't since I don't like to code. But she asked for design and her significant other (who is a coding master of sorts) would do the coding. It was a win-win situation, so I agreed. I worked with her to make sure the website reflected what she envisioned for her website and what she brings to the table for creatives. Basically the website is a reflection of her and what she wants to give her followers. Light, hope, inspiration, were just a few of the adjectives I worked off of. I really like what transpired. The website should be up and running in the next couple of weeks!

Until next time!


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