Bright and Earthy

Greetings y'all!

Yep, that is right y'all, living in the South is changing me and I have been catching myself picking up the local dialect. Don't worry my Northern twang still comes through, o  doontcha knoow. Anyways, on to blog related things. 

Mousey McGlynn is hosting another video release party May 10th in Minneapolis, adequately titled Sensory Soiree. She is releasing her video entitled, Walked to the Water, which coincidentally Uzi Ernst did the animation for and blogged about it here. I was tasked to do invites and posters. Working with Mousey is always a treat because over the top is part of her brand. The invites were sent to key individuals in Minneapolis, and instead of doing a post card, we went more formal and decided on using envelopes. Not just your standard envelope, but a translucent neon yellow envelope with a custom stamp with the animated imagery from the Walked video.

Shot of the custom stamp, a little worn, but that's because it was really mailed to me.
Invite in the sexy translucent envelope. I like that the invite is inviting you to open it.
Are you getting excited to the see actual invite yet? That was the whole idea. For the invite, we wanted it to be bright and eye catching, and what is more bright and eye catching than neon? Conveniently, that also happens to coincide with Mousey's brand.  We also wanted to utilize the Mousey rubber stamp that we had used on a previous invite, and why not emboss with neon? So, that is what we did. 

Bam! Invite released!

Detail shot of neon embossing, shiny and raised. Yummy!
The inside of the invite coincided with the Sensory Soiree event as a whole, and that design was carried through on other promotional materials, including the event poster. On the back of the invite, I made a custom QR code with a Mousey mouse worked in that linked to the full event release.
Inside of invite utilizing the eye from Walked
Look hard, do you see the hidden mouse?
The poster was special in its own right because Mousey isn't anything close to ordinary. We had looked into having screen printed posters, but decided to try a more cost effective alternative. We decided to go with a textured, shimmery paper, and unfortunately the pictures do not capture the shimmery goodness or the texture, but trust me, it is a classy touch. 
Full event poster

attempt to photograph the shimmer
From Mousey, we will do a sudden change to one of my new local clients here in Asheville. I work with all kinds of people and businesses, and I pivot to whatever the client wants and needs. My newest client is an example of that. Air Craftsman Heating and Cooling came to me because they only had their existing logo in a low quality jpeg, and they knew it could be improved on for their new website that is currently in the works. There was already a company in town that had a very similar logo, and they wanted to place the emphasis on being a more earth friendly HVAC company. They didn't want to do a complete change from what they had, so I designed along those lines. The following is the result.
Original Logo

Updated logo with of an earthy red color, mmmm
The logo is just the beginning of a marketing plan that is currently in the works, so stay tuned for more info on where that leads. I'm also working with some other new clients, but more on that in the future. 


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