Time Vacuum of Improvement

Greetings Comrades!

As promised, I have been working on improving my online presence. I may not have been blogging, but my new website is LIVE!!! I have forgotten how coding is a time vacuum, certainly when you are as rusty as I am. Hopefully, you are reading this post via kiereshaffer.com because that is just one of the newest additions I have made when upgrading. I also updated all my work, I still have some minor loose ends to tie up on the site but it is at 99% and should be at 100% in the next couple of days! Woot Woot!

In other news I have finally upgraded my point and shoot camera to an Cannon SLR so the work I do photograph will be looking just as awesome as it does in real life, it just hasn't shown up yet. Just a baby post for today but a new proper post later this week!

Happy 4th of July!

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